Sunday, October 11, 2009

3AM and you want to talk about what?

Why is it that women are compelled to talk about issues they either have been holding on to or some stupid thing that they just couldn't say early when you both were well rested and awake.

It's fuckin bullshit. No matter what you tell them. I pre-inform any girl I am dating, don't talk about serious shit 3 times of the day;

1) When I first get up. Give me a fuckin break. I am barely alive moretheless ready to deal with some bullshit that is really only important to you. Don't fuckin do it.

2) When I just get home from work. Hello! WTF. I just got in the door. Can you give me like 20-30 minutes to relax maybe get a beer if I am so compelled and relax a little first. I just dealt with bullshit all day at work and you really want my first thought of you to be a whiny bitch. Please.

3) When I am trying to get to sleep. If its between the hour of 11pm-3am in the morning, and I am trying to get some rest, DON'T FUCKIN TALK TO ME. I have had it. I am going to be fucked up for my new morning. I'm going to have the added stress of whatever bullshit you tried to push on me that night, and lastly I am going never going to get right to sleep after we finish because my adrenaline is going to be pumpin from having to verbally either suck up or kiss your ass. This is the worst possible time to talk about something. DON'T DO IT!!!

I am not alone girls, trust me. If you want to talk about serious stuff with your man. Do it when you both are in your right mind and don't make a big deal out of it. We are guys, we are simple. Just talk to us like we are fuckin normal human beings. Don't try and schedule a time to talk (BAD IDEA), and don't make it a big ordeal where you need to sit us down or make the mood right with proper lighting and smells. You are just going to start the conversation with us pissed off or on the defensive.



  1. lol, you have some points there, but with some of my relationships, those 3 times were the only times we were together - so, other than doing, well, other, more "enjoyable" activities, that was the only time we had to talk.

    Honestly, I do understand what you are saying though.

    - This is Tracy aka Dapinkiiee from Twitter, saw your comment, followed the profile to your blog spot. Nice to meet you and hope the hamstring is getting better, mine is not!
